
Your Work is High-Value Transformation: We Find Out Why

Over a 3-day intensive (for 1 HOUR/DAY) we'll give you massive clarity on what you do and its value in the marketplace in approximately 1 hour a day!


Day 1: Your Uniqueness

In 60-minutes, we'll start with an eye opening interview to address key questions like: what's the right niche for you to be in to make money? Do you easily stand out as different (in a VALUABLE way)? Can you get past the gatekeeper and have your audience begging for more?


Secret Mission #1

While you do your work, or sleep, or just take a break, we'll set up and run part 1 of Market Fit Tests to get clear quickly on what are the right angles (and wrong angles) to enter the marketplace with.


Day 2: Your Offer

Now that we have actual data sampled from the marketplace, we'll have a better idea of which angle to take when naming, organizing, and creating your offer. Already have an offer? Perfect! We'll outline a plan to actually sell it!


Secret Mission #2

Now we test out WHO the best audience to target with your offers is. This is a 48 hour test that will run while we work on other aspects of entering the marketplace.


Day 3: Profitable Positioning

Once we are clear on both your brand and the desires of your audience, we'll set up a clear Brand Position, elevator pitch, and how to help you attract + close higher-quality clients moving forward.


The Funnel Brief

At the end of our 3 days together, you'll get a fully personalized Funnel Brief not only outling the gold mine of information from our tests about who to target & how to target them, but also converting messaging copy tips, lead gen strategies, and a full outline of the recommended sales funnel.

We Get in Your Head & Your Clients' Heads

The time you spend in this session will have you thinking about your brand and business in new ways, while the Scalable Coaching team takes it all in, asks the right questions, and pushes it through our strategy lens to identify how to pitch your transformational value proposition - your secret sauciness that compels the best fit people to engage and buy.

We'll get to understand not only why you're here and who you're here to help in this season, but also what your audience and potential paying customers think about it all

What you'll walk away with:

(1) you'll know exactly what messaging angle converts,
(2) a clear understanding of who your target audience is (the ones who want to PAY you),
(3) Plus a fully written Funnel brief of what the funnel will look like, recommended messaging angles, and lead gen strategy suggestions.

All so you can move launch or grow your business with the data that gives you the confidence to know that all your efforts are most likely to return a positive ROI.


*This cost gets applied to any FunnelUp moving forward.

**Cost does include up to $100 of Meta Paid Ad Credits

Not sure if BrandAlchemy is right for you? Schedule a quick call with Cosette here to figure it out.

I needed a professional to show me and that's what I got with Cosette

"It's really challenging to figure this all out on your own and how to get to the path. Cosette did a great job identifying who are the buyers, what they are looking for, and who is potentially looking for my product."

Manny Skevofilax, PortalCFO



I love her genius mind – she always has an answer that aligns with my needs!

"It is SO SO helpful to be able to just have someone (whose opinion I trust) to be able to bounce these kinds of things off of!!"

Jessica, business coach


The support and personal videos have been outstanding

"I never get through these exercises about segments and target customers. That I did is a testament to just how much support you provided."

Al, life coach


You are INCREDIBLE at helping others define their audience/message!

"I've been thinking, 'OMG, THIS woman NEEDS a podcast." My mind has been spinning with ideas!!! There is a TREMENDOUS need for something like this in the marketplact."

Darrin, podcast coach


You're a genius!

"Thank you so much! I'm amazed at how quickly you 'caught on' to my messaging :) !"

Brandice, health & spirituality coach


Holy cow this was so helpful!

"My mind totally exploded with ideas that are outside the box of what I was limiting myself to! I'd just been so focused on mindset & emotional wellbeing I hadn't considered anything else in that arena."

Elisha, life coach


I also REALLY love all your analogies, explanations, and drawings!

"It makes all of the concepts you're explaining SUPER easy to understand! So thank you for being such a natural and OWNING it in front of the camera!"

Mark, life coach for men

Mike, marketing coach

“[She] explains concepts better than all of [marketing ‘gurus’]/me “

Tara, spirituality coach


Mike, IT & Tech

“[She] has such an uncanny ability to take something complex amd make it relatable.”

Dr. Karen, mindset coach

“YOU are what I’ve been searching for!!!”

Matt, ecommerce services

“I feel much better…I think this could work very well to try to have everything routed to you first.”

Brandice, health coach

“Quickly caught on to my messaging!”


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